Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag

Hey, hey! We are at the halfway mark of 2021 so you know what that means! Time for the Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag. Try saying that three times lol.

Best Book You’ve Read So Far in 2021

I have some favorites for sure. It is hard for me to pick one right now plus I love the element of surprise when I wrap up the end of the year so I will go with my most recent favorite. “Ace of Spades” by Faridah Abike-Iyimide. I’m still working on my review but this book was so good. I still can’t believe this is her debut book. Loved it.

Best Sequel You’ve Read So Far in 2021

I have two. The Endgame by Rae Lyse and Good Girl, Bad Blood by Holly Jackson were both so good!

New Release You Haven’t Read Yet, But Want To

Excuse Me While I Ugly Cry by Joya Goffney was one of my most anticipated releases but I haven’t gotten to that one yet. Hopefully soon. Also Wings of Ebony by J. Elle.

Most Anticipated Release for the Second Half of the Year

There are so many actually but let me just give a few off the top of my head. As Good As Dead by Holly Jackson. This book is book three in the “Good Girl’s Guide to Murder” series and I cannot wait to see how it all ends. Is this the end? I don’t know lol. Also, Karen M. McManus has another book coming out titled ” You’ll Be the Death of Me.”

A lot of my favorite Indie authors, don’t announce books/ give release dates until the release date is actually close but I’m anticipating all they have in store. A few that are coming later this year include ( Also I’m just making some of these titles up as placeholders, lol): “Keep It Between Us 2” by Charae Lewis, “Asha’s Book” by Johnni Sherri, “Mo: The Sun Book 3” by Rae Lyse, Skyhawks Book 2 by Alexandra Warren, Charming by Tanzania Glover.

Biggest Disappointment

I’ve had a few disappointments this year but the one that sticks out the most would be The Cousins by Karen M. McManus. It just wasn’t what I was expecting and that ending… I know some people loved it but it was just so far fetched for me to believe it. To see my full review, click here.

Biggest Surprise

Finlay Donovan is Killing It by Elle Cosimano . I did not expect to love this book as much as I did. Another surprise was Crave by Shae Sanders. It was my first time reading a reverse harem book and I was pleasantly surprised.

Favorite New Author (Debut or New To You)

Shae Sanders! I have really been zooming through her catalog of books and loving them. Rae Lyse is also a new favorite.

Newest Fictional Crush

I have three! Dominic from Saving Sunflower, Josiah from The Endgame, and Blue from Maybe One More Time by Christina C. Jones.

Newest Favorite Character

I’ll go with my most recent favorite and say Devon from Ace of Spades.

Book That Made You Cry

Instructions for Dancing by Nicola Yoon. My heart is still healing from reading this book. I loved it so much.  Broken Clocks by Danielle Allen was another one that had me in tears. What was the reason?!

Book That Made You Happy

Can’t Catch Me By Alexandra Warren was just a feel good, laugh out loud sports romance. Just a fun read overall and it definitely made me happy.

The Most Beautiful Book You’ve Bought or Received So Far This Year

The inside hardback cover of Blackout is so beautiful. I love it.

What Books Do You Need To Read By the End of The Year?

I need to catch up on reading the books on my 21 books to read in 2021 list.

Favorite Book to Movie Adaptation You’ve Seen This Year

I haven’t watched any adaptations this year. I am counting down the days until Friday though when the new Fearstreet movie comes to Netflix. Buddy watching it with a friend. I devoured those books as a child and can’t wait to see how they adapt it for the small screen.

Goodreads Goal: My goal is 111 books. At the time of this posting, I have read 93 so far.

Check in time! How’s your reading going so far this year? Any standout favorites? Let me know in the comments! Happy reading!

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