Review: Road Trip by Electa Rome Parks and Monica Garner + Five Road Trip Essentials


“Remember the old adage, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas? This time around it is, what happens on the road trip stays on the road trip. Meet Arlington Harper and Delilah Jackson, two middle-aged, beautiful, recently divorced good friends, attempting to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives, together.

End of the Road Arlington is a bestselling novelist. After spiraling into a depression after her recent divorce, dealing with an ex-husband who is still trying to control her life and writer’s block all at the same time, Arlington finds herself on an impromptu road trip in a rural town, where she finds herself caught up in proposition that she only writes about in her novels.

Saint City Divorced Delilah is a smart, streetwise police officer, soon-to-be detective, who has simply given up on love and men. If love comes her way, she is running in the opposite direction. From as far as she can throw them, Delilah no longer trusts men. After agreeing to a New Orleans road trip with her sister and friends, Dee meets a sexy, mysterious man. But by the time she discovers his dark past, she is already tiptoeing on the verge of something that resembles love.

Arlington and Delilah learn that sometimes an unexpected, erotic and adventurous road trip is just what the doctor ordered! Hold on tight for a wild ride.”


Road Trip by Electa Rome Parks and Monica Garner was a very good read. It features two short stories.

End of the Road by Electa Rome Parks introduces us to Arlington. Still dealing with the aftermath of her divorce, she decides to take some time to herself and embarks on a solo road trip. She finds herself in a cabin in the woods where she just might find the empowerment and strength to finally move on.

This story dealt with some hard issues including divorce, infidelity , emotional abuse, and more. It was also very hot and steamy. I have yet to read a book by Electa Rome Parks that I have not enjoyed. This time was no different.    

Saint City by Monica Garner focuses on Delilah “Dee” Jackson . Under investigation at her job, she decides to take her sister up on her offer to take a road trip to New Orleans. While there she meets the elusive and charming, Saint.

This was the first time I have read anything by Monica Garner, and I really enjoyed it. This story definitely had some mystery elements sprinkled in. I loved the setting and light touches of New Orleans culture. There was a lot of mystery surrounding Saint and his background. It was kind of left open-ended so maybe we will hear from him again in the future.

Road Trip was an easy read that I finished in one sitting. Both stories deal with two middle-aged  women who are trying to move on after divorce. They both talk about healing and being able to overcome. Definitely a grown and sexy read. I would have loved to see more of the friendship between Arlington and Dee. Overall, I really liked it.

Five Essential Must Haves For a Fun Road Trip

Music- There’s nothing like a little car karaoke to really get a road trip going.

Road Trip buddy- whether it is a friend or family member, having somebody to spend it with really makes it even more fun. But then again, Arlington went on a solo trip and ended up having a blast. So hey, solo trips are fun too! You never know who you might meet along the way.

Snacks- This goes without saying. Keep the snacks coming!

Flexibility- A road trip doesn’t have to be all about the destination. Make some stops along the way! Visit a few places. Get lost…but not too lost, lol.

Camera- Take a few pics for the memories! Nothing too incriminating though because what happens on the road trip, stays on the road trip.

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