Review: Just A Friend by AshleyNicole


Oh baby, you…
Being the only girl in a group of guys is hard work. It’s the equivalent to having multiple fathers who think they can dictate every detail of your life.
Harlowe’s been dealing with it for years, but as of late, she’s been wanting to venture out and find love. As expected, the guys think this is a terrible idea. That’s all well and good, but Harlowe is going to do it anyway.
Before she can, one of her guys starts looking at her differently, and she can’t help but look back.
Will they transition into lovers, or will he remain just a friend?


“But you say he’s just a friend….”

AshleyNicole’s latest release, Just A Friend,  is a friend to lovers romance that I enjoyed from beginning to end. This novel focuses on a group of friends. Harlowe, Tuck, Demmy, Ghost, and Country. They are as thick as thieves and Harlowe even affectionally refers to them as her “boys.”  But when one of the boys makes his feelings known, Harlowe is forced to confront her own feelings as well and soon discovers that she is dealing with a grown man. Telling herself that this will be a one-time thing, the two quickly dip into a world of secrets when they are forced to keep their budding relationship on the downlow. When the dust settles, will he still be Just a Friend, or will he be more?

    This was such a fun read! There were moments where I literally laughed out loud. There were also moments where I was completely stressed and had secondhand embarrassment because of what was going on. I loved the dynamics between these characters. This book definitely had its fair amount of drama and I was all in! It was also great seeing the Hale sisters from one of AshleyNicole’s other series, Hale Girls (Joey, never change lol). Just A Friend was hilarious, steamy, and just a good time all around.

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