Can’t Wait Wednesday #21: ” Gallant” by Victoria Schwab

Happy Humpday! Time for another Can’t Wait Wednesday. Can’t Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings. The purpose of Can’t Wait Wednesday is to put the spotlight on unreleased books that I can’t wait to read. For this week’s CWW, I’ve chosen “Gallant” by Victoria Schwab.


“Everything casts a shadow. Even the world we live in. And as with every shadow, there is a place where it must touch. A seam, where the shadow meets its source.

#1 New York Times–bestselling author Victoria Schwab weaves a dark and original tale about the place where the world meets its shadow, and the young woman beckoned by both sides. The Secret Garden meets Crimson Peak in this stand-alone novel perfect for readers of Holly Black and Neil Gaiman.”

Why I Can’t Wait

The cover definitely caught my eye first. Are those arms? Anywho, although the blurb is short and really doesn’t go into much detail yet, I am intrigued. I love fantasy. I love the Secret Garden. Hopefully I love this book. It is definitely going on my 2022 book release list.

Gallant by Victoria Schwab has a tentative release date of March 1,2022.

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