First Line Fridays Holiday Edition + A Christmas Memory| Blogmas Day 10

Hello and welcome to Blogmas day ten! Today I’m back with another first line Friday. Today’s First Line comes from the book “Skipping Christmas” by John Grisham. Fun fact: This book was adapted into one of my favorite Christmas movies….”Christmas with the Kranks.” It wasn’t until this year that I found out the movie was based on a book. I hope to check it out soon!

My First Line: “The gate was packed with weary travelers, most of them standing and huddled along the walls because the meager amount of plastic chairs had long since been taken.”

My Favorite Christmas Memory #2

I happen to be a middle child. I have two siblings and there is a seven-year age difference between all of us. So, when I was seven, my sister was fourteen and my brother had just been born. We really didn’t have too much in common, well…I didn’t lol. But the Christmas when my brother was about three, we had a gift waiting for us under the tree. It ended up being a Nintendo. We had a blast playing Mario  and Duck hunt all Christmas morning. I’m probably showing my age with this memory, but it is one that I definitely hold on to and remember fondly.

What gift did you receive as a child that you will never forget? Let me know in the comments. I look forward to hearing from you! Happy reading!

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