My Most Disappointing Reads of 2021| Blogmas Day 20

Hello bookworms and welcome to Blogmas day twenty! As much as we hope that every book we read is a five star, unfortunately that just isn’t the case. Today, I’m discussing my most disappointing reads of 2021. Thankfully, there aren’t many.

A Vow So Bold and Deadly

So if you read my Books I DNF’d in 2021 post, you know that A Vow So Bold and Deadly was one of my most anticipated reads but it ended up being a dnf. I just didn’t like the direction this was going.

The Cousins by Karen M. McManus

While I expected a thriller, this was more of a contemporary family drama with more unbelievable moments than I could count. Not one of my favorite McManus books but she remains an auto buy author.

Love is a Revolution by Renee Watson

This was more of a “me” problem. I am clearly outside of the age range of this book so take what I am about to say with a grain of salt. While I enjoyed the body positivity that this book embraced, the main character was just unlikeable with no redeemable qualities. At times shallow, selfish, and just plain mean, the main character was hard to root for and I found myself not really caring what happened in the end.

Malibu Rising By Taylor Jenkins Reid

Another anticipated book. I thought that this book was ok. I did enjoy it but I set my expectations way too high. The first half was great but the second half and everything going on was just…a lot going on.

And that wraps it up. My most disappointing reads of the year. What books are on your most disappointing list for this year? Let me know in the comments.

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