2023 Reading Stats, Reflection, and Favorites| Blogmas Day 31

Hello friends! I hope everyone is having an amazing New Year’s Eve. Today is the last day of 2023 and I’m beyond ready for this year to be over and done. Out with the old and in with the new! It’s time to close out the year! This year my reading goal was to read … Continue reading 2023 Reading Stats, Reflection, and Favorites| Blogmas Day 31

24 in 2024|Blogmas Day 27

Hello everyone! Time for my 24 in 2024. Now, I’ve tried to do these lists in the past and failed tremendously, lol. But I’m going to do it again in 2024. This time will be a little different. Twelve books are from my tbr. The other twelve are books that have been recommended to me … Continue reading 24 in 2024|Blogmas Day 27

New-to-Me Authors I Read in 2023| Blogmas Day 26

Hello! I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas! I enjoyed spending the day with my family, eating, and relaxing . I also finished my last book of the year which was The Christmas Auction by Te Russ. I won’t be reading anything else until 2024 so I thought now would be a great time to … Continue reading New-to-Me Authors I Read in 2023| Blogmas Day 26

My Most Disappointing Reads of 2023 (+Three DNFS)| Blogmas Day 19

Hello! Welcome to blogmas day 19. As much as we would love for every book we read to be five stars, that just isn’t the case. This year has been full of some good reads, great even but there were a few disappointments as well. Here are mine . Finlay Donovan Jumps the Gun- Now … Continue reading My Most Disappointing Reads of 2023 (+Three DNFS)| Blogmas Day 19

Getting my Goodreads Ready for 2024 Pt 1.| Blogmas Day 17

Hello friends! Happy Sunday and welcome to blogmas day seventeen. The new year is almost here. I know I’ve attempted a Goodreads cleanup in the past, but now I mean business, lol. It was either clean it up or start fresh and I just couldn’t see myself deleting everything and starting over so here we … Continue reading Getting my Goodreads Ready for 2024 Pt 1.| Blogmas Day 17

Mini Book Review: Dancing Through the Snow by Te Russ| Blogmas day 16

Synopsis From the moment Travis walks into Celeste’s ballet studio to pick up his niece, she knows immediately that all she wants for Christmas...is him. Bonus throwback holiday short from 2016 included! Interior designer Noel Kendricks has a strict rule about not getting involved with clients. But when it comes to Adam Byrd, Noel quickly … Continue reading Mini Book Review: Dancing Through the Snow by Te Russ| Blogmas day 16

Goodreads Monday Holiday Edition| Blogmas Day 11

Hello everyone and welcome to Blogmas day eleven. Goodreads Monday was previously hosted by Lauren’s Page Turners but is now hosted by Budget Tales Book Blog. All you have to do is pick a book from your TBR and highlight it.Today I wanted to highlight another holiday read that’s on my TBR. The book I … Continue reading Goodreads Monday Holiday Edition| Blogmas Day 11

Bah Humbug: Bookish Pet Peeves| Blogmas Day 10

Hello, hello! Welcome to blogmas day ten.  Today definitely started out eventful as we woke up to tornado sirens going off around 5:30 am. Thankfully, the warning quickly moved from our area. It’s been a rainy and gloomy day which was perfect for reading. It was also the perfect weather for me to compile a … Continue reading Bah Humbug: Bookish Pet Peeves| Blogmas Day 10

Mini Book Review: Gingerbread Wishes by Te Russ| Blogmas Day 9

Synopsis When Eve Harper is assigned the task of trying to convince the owner of a cookie factory – in her hometown of all places – to sell, she gets more than she bargained for when she runs into the owner’s nephew, Gabriel Meyers. Mini Review Gingerbread Wishes by Te Russ gave me all the … Continue reading Mini Book Review: Gingerbread Wishes by Te Russ| Blogmas Day 9

First Line Friday Holiday Edition | Blogmas Day 8

Hello and welcome to Blogmas day eight! Friday! We made it. I hope everyone had a fantastic week. For today's post, I wanted to share the first line of the book that I'm currently reading. Synopsis "Lauren Richmond isn’t a fan of Christmas. Which is why she rarely makes the trip home to the Midwest … Continue reading First Line Friday Holiday Edition | Blogmas Day 8