Can’t Wait Wednesday #21: ” Gallant” by Victoria Schwab

Happy Humpday! Time for another Can’t Wait Wednesday. Can’t Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings. The purpose of Can’t Wait Wednesday is to put the spotlight on unreleased books that I can’t wait to read. For this week’s CWW, I’ve chosen “Gallant” by Victoria Schwab. Synopsis “Everything casts a shadow. Even … Continue reading Can’t Wait Wednesday #21: ” Gallant” by Victoria Schwab

New-To-Me Authors That I Read in 2020| Blogmas Day Nineteen

Hello and welcome to Blogmas day nineteen! This year has introduced me to so many new authors and even some new faves! Now when I say “new” I don’t mean debut authors; I’ll get to them another day. I’m talking about authors that have been out, but I just discovered and read their books for … Continue reading New-To-Me Authors That I Read in 2020| Blogmas Day Nineteen

Goodreads Monday #11: “From Blood and Ash” by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Hello friends! Time for another Goodreads Monday! This segment is brought to us by Lauren’s Page Turners. All you have to do is pick a random book off  of  your Goodreads to-read list and highlight it! For this Goodreads Monday, I chose “From Blood and Ash" by Jennifer L. Armentrout. Synopsis "A Maiden… Chosen from … Continue reading Goodreads Monday #11: “From Blood and Ash” by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Review: Wayward Children Series by Seanan McGuire

Have you ever been recommended a book and thought, I’ll get to it eventually” or had no actual plans to read it?  Such was the case with the Wayward Children series. The synopsis didn’t immediately pull me in, but people raved about it.  And you know, peer pressure. When book one ,“ Every Heart a … Continue reading Review: Wayward Children Series by Seanan McGuire